If you are seeking more background information on some of the procedures and treatments we offer, the following links to patient information sheets from RANZCOG (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) may be of assistance:
- ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) Resources for You
- Australian Breastfeeding Association – resources and education
- Australian Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery Society – patient video library
- Beyond Blue – information and support for anxiety, depression and suicide prevention
- Continence Foundation of Australia – resources and education on bladder control and pelvic floor health
- Food Safety During Pregnancy info booklet(NSW Food Authority)
- Having a Baby info booklet (NSW Health)
- Jean Hailes for Women’s Health – national digital gateway for women’s health and wellbeing
- Listeria and Pregnancy info booklet – foods you should avoid and why (NSW Food Authority)
- Mothersafe – free telephone counselling service provided by Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick NSW
- PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia) – supporting the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood
- Pelvic floor resources (urinary incontinence, pelvic floor prolapse)
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby website (Healthdirect Australia)
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK) patient information leaflets
Dr Ed Gomez is proud to be a member and affiliated with
Contact us
General Enquiries
Telephone: 1800 961 456
Email: edgomez@drobgyn.org
6 Kempsey Street,
Blacktown NSW 2148
Tel: (02) 9622 8000
Fax: (02) 9622 8686
Suite 4.03, Level 4
17 Macquarie Street,
Parramatta NSW 2150
Tel: (02) 7809 0947
Fax: (02) 7809 0946